Our Story

A man, sat at home, jobless trying to feed and protect his wife and 2 little boys in fear of stepping out doors had a lightbulb moment. To reduce the tension, confusion and doom and gloom of Covid-19 he decided to educate his little boys through a project making home made sanitiser. This quickly developed and became a need, through further learnings he realised that their skin types lacked vitamin D and therefore moisture. Constant daily use of sanitiser was creating skin irritations and overall poor skin health, his wife had eczema, it was causing her pain and the little boys hands were getting sore too. In response he decided to infuse the home made recipe with Argan Oil and Shea butter, ingredients his wife used in her everyday skin care routine, and to add a little fun and “smile” factor he added a few drops of a fun scented oil. At that moment the first batch of the newly created Fucov was born.

Quickly this escalated, friends and family were using Fucov and the response was epic, yey! He decided to now take this a little more seriously and teamed up with his new trusty wingman and a brainy scientist called Steve. This allowed him to develop, test and certify Fucov making it commercially legal. They all pulled together, to get Fucov where it is today, driven with passion, protection, families and ethical decisions in mind.

Why? Because we need to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our families, innocent people around us and help slow the reproduction rate and throttle the life out of Fu.cking Covid-19 and any other horrid lurgies.


We are the newly developed generation that are adapting to “social distance”, “Working from home” and driving to your nearest castle to test your eyesight. In this time we haven been taught to shield and protect ourselves but not in the way that we were once taught, no more cyber threats, pension scammers or fishing email talk…

this is now the time we talk about protecting ourselves and others, to allow the newly formed social resilience to stand up fully armed and prepare to fight this silent and deadly killer.

We can do this! Stick this badboy in your pocket or bag, use it religiously on your hands and surfaces and Covid-19 or any other virus can Fucov!